21rd of Bresin, Fhenta 212
Storage Note:
Instances of this creature are to be shot on site and the remains are to be taken to the institute. The cave is then to be cleaned of the black substance.
Obs-156 is a humanoid creature that is sutt black. They usually resides in caves where it is dark and is only visible by its white eyes. They appear to glow in the dark. The creature looks to be wet but is dry to the touch. It also leaves a black stain wherever it goes. It makes people with less mental fortitude see a black liquid oosing from all surfaces filling up the cave. The creature makes the sound of cracking bones when it moves.
Several reports had been made about the creature which brought it to the institutes attention. We had then heard about an instance in a cave Fairfield, north of Eirfre.
A team was despatched to investigate the area consisting of 2 institute personnel along with a Royal Eirfre soldier.
Report by investigator David Rendal
We arrived at the cave at 1400h where I imidiatly started my investigation. I immediately saw those white eyes in the cave inviting passers by inside before they disapeard further into the cave. We entered with caution. The walls we’re already lined with this thick black tar like substance. I regrettably decided to touch it. The substance seemed to cling to my fingers. At that moment we heard a thud from further in. We walked towards it to see a man covered in this tar like substance. It was down his throat. I concluded he must have drowned in the stuff yet there wasn’t enough to drown in.
At this point one of the lutenants started shooting into the darkness, clearly spooked by something. As he went to reload his gun jammed. This made him panic as he started slamming his gun against the ground. He the preceded to run to the cave exit. We heard a gargling sound before seeing this black substance flow towards us except suddenly I couldn’t see it it. Richard, who was next to me. Started to lift off the ground. He tried to say something but nothing came out. He dropped to the floor and suddenly I snapped back to my sences and ran for the exit.
I went back to the town where I called for reinforcements. Apparently the black tar that surrounded the creature was extremely flammable and the soldiers burnt everything in the cave.