

Java program with backend connecting to an SQLite database and Jetty web frontend. This project was completed for my second year advanced programming corce part of my degree.

Gitlab Repo

i3 Configs

My custom i3 and xresource configs. i3 is a window manager for Linux

Gitlab Repo

Assembaly code

A project i undertook at University using MARS MIPS simulator to understand assembaly code

Gitlab Repo

Moving Arrows

A Java program using Processings library to draw arrows on the screen like an old dvd screen saver

Gitlab Repo


An implementation of the classic game Pong in Java using Processings library

Gitlab Repo

2nd year project

Live project dueing the second year of uni where I was tasked to reaserch Elasic Search tool kibana to display live infomation about a web service

Gitlab Repo


A program that demonstrates how a program scheduler works using the programmng language C

Gitlab Repo


An implementation of the game Defenderz in Java using Processings library

Gitlab Repo


A tool i made for my final year project that reads in midi files and convers them to a CSV file.

Gitlab Repo


This was a project i compleated during my first year of uni. Its a game that functions basicaly as an upside down space invaders.

Gitlab Repo