Obs-254 5 Gray St, Faversham



Senten 7th Fhenta 236

Storage Note:

The house is at 5 Gray St, Faversham, Greater Lifan. The house is under the control of the institute and should have 2 guards stationed at all times, guards should keep a low profile to stop people snooping. The houses content is stored in site A in box 256.


The house was built Fhenta 147 during the reign of George the 3rd. It is made of red birck and the corners are lined with stone. A sketch of the house has been drawn by Molly Alexandria Berrisford and attached as addendum Obs-254.1. The house has 3 floors, the ground floor, the first floor and the basement as well as a stable attached to the left of the house. The house was the residence of a Mr Corbitt, the owner of Corbitt Imports. He was also an occultist and worshiped the god Sithenphithen. In the house were 2 creatures as well as several occult books.


The house was brought to the institutes attention after the Berrisford family found out about Mr Corbitt’s occult behaviors and managed to kill both of the creatures. On the 7th of Senten Fhenta 236 the police were called to the Corbitt residence after gunshots had been heard. The 3 police men who were sent to the scene found the carcus of the child creature as well as the members of the Berrisford family. At first the family was arrested but release on the condition they work with the institute. Failer to do so would be considerd treason and they would be sentenced to death. All but one member cooperated. Miss Penny Berrisford is currently at large. The family refer to her as Echo. A full report of the events was given by Admiral Richard Berrisford in addendum Obs-254.2

Obs-254-1: Child creature

The creature was found in the basement of the house. It had been constructed with body parts of dead children from the area illigaly obtained by an employee at the local hospital.

The creature consists of a giant sack of human skin with a ring of children’s legs and a ring of children’s arms. On top is a enlarged sphincter.

It has been animated with occult magic. Contacting a god from Fsoikeraside to bring it to life.

Obs-256-2: Woman creature

The creature was found dead on the stairs opposite the front door. The creature consisted of the head and torso of a middle aged woman with the arms of a younger woman grafted on. The Berrisford described the creature as “immediately aggressive”, they we’re upstairs when the creature broke out of the basement and was shot down on the stairs. The creature looks to be the creation of Mr Corbitt. 

Obs-256-3: Twenty Experiments in the Occult by Dr. Arthur Turnley

Stored in site A in box 256.

Obs-256-4: True Magick by Theophilus Wenn

Stored in site A in box 256.

Obs-256-5: The Wolf and The Whelps

This book is an occult tome focusing on the “The wolf of time”, a god who’s real name is Sithenphithen. The book contains many spells and rituals that call on the god to perform certain acts for the caster. 

The book itself is a hardback book bound in wolf pelts. It sits 2ft tall and 6″ thick.

Stored in site A in box 256.

Obs-256-6: Corbitt journal

The Corbitt journal contains Mr Corbitt’s notes on his creations and how he constructed them. The journal is stored in site A box 256.

Addendum Obs-254.1: House Sketch

By Cordelia Berrisford

Addendum Obs-254.2:

Report by Admiral Richard Berrisford.

We were all called back to our family home due to our recent passing of our father. We convened in the front room on the 6th of Senten at 1700 hours after the funeral. At around 1830 hours Molly Berrisford noticed Mr Corbitt return home. Mr Corbitt is our neighbor, we know him as children but since all of us had moved out we had not seen him in a while. Molly, who was stud by the window, had noticed him pick up 2 suspicious items from the lockbox at the back of his carriage. One item was long like a rounders bat size and the other was round about the size of a football. Upon unlocking the door Mr Corbitt dropped the long item which rolled out of the paper it was wrapped in. Molly told the rest of us it looked like a child’s arm. Mr Corbitt then quickly rewrapped the item after checking no one was looking and headed inside where he went into the cellar. We discussed what to do next. The conclusion of this was to investigate what Mr Corbitt was up to. The plan was for Cordelia and Echo to distract Mr Corbitt while Molly snuck through the back door. Me and Vinny watched the situation from the front window. Once molly was inside she slipped into the study. With Cordelia not managing to keep Mr Corbitt distracted any longer, Molly waited for Mr Corbitt to go back into the basement before leaving the study through the window. But not before making sure the window was left unlocked.  

The next day we decided to look at Mr Corbitt’s affairs and went to the local newspaper to see if we could find anything on the house. He was very wealthy, as we knew, but didn’t know he had inherited his fathers company while we had been away. His farther had died during a trip to Jred. He had apparently been claiming a mountain in the north of the county and slipped.

Later that evening, we decided to enter the house again,  making sure Mr. Corbitt was not home yet from work. As well as grabbing some supplies from home including our father’s hunting shotgun. He had never let us use it before but now the mans dead he can’t say no. We snuck in through the window we had left unlocked before. When inside we looked through the study and found some books that looked important. One of which was in a language we had never heard before. The important one was his journal where he wrote down what he was doing for the past yeah. It seems during the visit to Jred he brought something back, something he had been using to commune with this deity. 

After this we headed upstairs. While investigating the first floor we heard a loud crash coming from downstairs. We ran to the stairs to find the woman creature. I used my fathers shotgun and the creature went down in one shot.

As we were coming down the stairs we saw Mr Corbitt’s carriage pull up outside. We hid behind the door and surprised him as he walked inside. We tied him up in a chair in the kitchen in order to interigate him. He was a pretty wimpy man so he gave in easily. Though we did not get much out of him as when Cordelia fed him some of his produce he’d grown in the garden, holes in his chest started to appear, bleeding slowly like a sharp pole had breed driven through it. He was lifted in the air as more holes apeard. Mr Corbitt was dead. He dropped to the floor with an unsettling thud.

We then decided to investigate the basement, as this is where we believed Mr Corbitts base of operations was. When we got down there we found lab equipment and surgical supplies. Cordelia heard what sounded like a child cooing from within a closet. Opening it revealed it was empty. But the wall at the back sounded hollow. We managed to pry the wall off revealing a hidden room. In the dark corner at the far side of the room we saw the thing, the child thing, it was horrific, ungodly mess of stitched together child limbs rithing as it crawled towards us. The stench of rotten flesh and human feces hit us like a wall of mud. As I snapped back to my senses I quickly raised my gun. Shooting it with both barrels but that did not seem to slow it down. From the other room Cordila saw bottles of medical alcohol and used these to make Molotov cocktails which was passed to Vinny by Echo at the front where he threw one at the creature, which seamed to slow it down but not kill it. At this point the creature was screeching at us. The sound was painful, it almost made me throw up. I managed to reload the shotgun and unloaded another 2 barrels into it. This seemed to finally stop the thing.

Then, from behind us, we heard “Freeze, put your hands up.” Someone must have heard the gunfire and called the police. We were initially arrested until the OI turned up at which point we were offered a position at the institute.


From beyond the forth wall:

This was a Call of Cthulhu game me and some of my friends played a while ago. Its based on the Mr Corbitt scenario in the Mansions of Madness book by Chaosium. I highly recommend Call of Cthulhu (maybe not the book by H.P Lovecraft, he’s quite racist) its probably my favorite rpg system due to its RP heavy maths light system. And obviously I love cosmic horror.

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